Borzoi breeder Virginia

While we make every attempt to get the health testing we have done posted to OFA expeditiously some of it can slip by us in the business and end up just being filed in each dogs file, so if you have questions please feel free to ask.  We are happy to share our dogs health testing with prospective owners. We post our results good or not so great, and have not ever asked to have any of our dogs information removed because it was imperfect.  We have certainly excluded dogs from breeding due to results we weren't happy to go forward with.  We whole heartedly believe in the benefits of testing and using it as a tool to make better breeding decisions. 

It is easy enough to search the OFA website  for any dogs we have health test, bred, and used in our breeding program , simply by searching our kennel name. There are also more than a few dogs not bred by us that we have used in our breeding that have been tested that will not show up on that search. EVERY dog we have used will have have had health testing. Please let us know if there is information on the health testing of our breeding dogs you might require.  I do list the link to our current and up coming litters health testing on our planned litter page. 

We Always endeavor to have all of our dogs tested as per the requirements of our breed club  (BCOA) for which we are members in good standing.  We also test our dogs and puppies with Embark, along with Holter monitoring and Sires, DNA filed with AKC to insure integrity of our pedigree.